Hi Everyone!
Sorry, I know it’s been a while since I last wrote….I wanted to share all the latest news with DogaBetix! First, Ella is doing great! She’s been on 8 units of insulin per shot for about 3 years now, and is healthy as ever. She comes to the shop and bakes with me all the time and still loves her treats! Hard to believe it was 7 years ago that she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. We posted recently that dogs with diabetes are living long healthy lives, just like those without diabetes. That is great news! I’ll never forget the vet telling me that most dog owners (at that time) would put the dog down when they found out they were diagnosed with diabetes, that the owners wouldn’t want to go through the added costs, hassles, etc., in having a diabetic dog. In spite of all the research, there doesn’t look to be cure for canine diabetes in the near future. That’s the bad news, but the good news is that there has been an increase in the care for a diabetic dog, and doing everything to ensure that these loved pups have just as much a chance as living a long and healthy life as non-diabetic dogs. DogaBetix survived the holidays and saw a 31% growth during the last quarter. Moving to our own facility, using our own equipment has allowed us to keep up with the growing demand! It’s also allowed us to expand into the Amazon Europe market, and DogaBetix is now selling to UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, and France! It took a while to get there, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed with the upcoming Brexit shenanigans. Thank you to all that have been such loyal customers! Some of you have been ordering Ella's treats for 3 years now, and I greatly appreciate all of your support!