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Somogyi Rebounds in Diabetic Dogs
Somogyi Rebounding is a common occurence in diabetic dogs who experience a sudden drop in low blood sugar. As a natural reaction, a dog's body will automatically dump glucose into the blood stream by breaking down glycogen that is stored in the liver.
A typical Somogyi Rebound glucose pattern, especially with long-acting insulins, is a steady high blood glucose level that is not impacted by insulin doses. Often this can occur over a couple of days. Another symptom is that this usually flat number will experience sudden and dramatic decreases, followed by a quick return to high numbers.
If you are using a fast-acting insulin, Somogyi Rebound can be identified by quick and wild swings between high and low blood sugar.
Diagnosing Somogyi Rebound
The only way to tell if your dog is experiencing a Somogyi Rebound is to chart your dog's glucose level consistently for an entire day. By test and charting every 2 hours, you will be able to get a sense of how their body is breaking down sugar in their body. A normal diabetic dog glucose chart will look like gentle rolling hills. Here is an example:

A dog who is experiencing a Somogyi Rebound will have a much more drastic glucose chart. Their curve will feature steep peaks and valleys for not apparent reason. This is because the blood sugar is dropping precipitously caused the body to breakdown glucose in the liver. The blood is then flooded with this glucose, which causes the blood sugar to spike upwards. Here is what a glucose curve looks like during a Somogyi Rebound:

If your dog is experiencing bouts of Somogyi Rebound, you need to consult a doctor to help you chart a path forward. Generally, to lessen the swings, you'll need to reduce insulin shots until your dog's glucose curve stabilizes.
Additional Resources
Somogyi Revound, PetDiabetes.wikia.com: http://petdiabetes.wikia.com/wiki/Somogyi_rebound
Dogabetix is a community for diabetic dog owners--we are not licensed professionals. Before making any important decisions for treating your dog, please consult a veterinarian.